The Middle Road 

Since 2008, I have ventured across the American landscape during presidential elections in search of visual evidence of contemporary American politics. I am intrigued by the impact of elections and how that impact is evidenced throughout America. What difference does an election make? While on the road in 2016, I wrote about what I was seeing and thinking while on the road. Read the 2016 journal here. See the dedicated project website here


At the edge of Texas on the Rio Grande is an opening in the wall dividing the desert landscape between 1st and 3rd world. A visit there at the turn of the 2016 presidential election captured images of the symbolic beauty and tension that would foreshadow one of the most contentious political struggles in American history.

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In 2016, I veered off ‘The Middle Road’ to visit Hopewell Baptist Church which had been vandalized in a way that fueled racial tensions around the presidential election. See those photos here